A Proven Lawyer With A History Of Excellent Service

A Proven Lawyer With A History Of Excellent Service

Experienced Criminal Defense Counsel

The criminal justice process is an obstacle course that requires defendants to deal with the rigors and terminology of the courtroom, as well as the emotional gauntlet of hearings and negotiations. At Jeffrey L. Hersh, Attorney at Law, we guide people through the criminal process and effectively defend their rights at every stage of their case. Our Westchester law firm defends clients facing misdemeanors and felonies in New York and Connecticut.

An Aggressive Defense Attorney Who Will Protect Your Rights

Any criminal charge is serious and you need a proven lawyer to get the best possible outcome. Mr. Hersh has nearly 10 years of criminal law experience, and he is committed to getting his clients the best possible results. He finds creative solutions to challenging cases and helps clients get out of bad situations.

We defend people facing many types of criminal charges including:

A Capable Attorney For The Criminal Law Process

Your defense starts as soon as you are charged with a crime, and waiting to speak with an attorney can have serious consequences. Mr. Hersh has a working relationship with the judges, district attorneys and staff of the courts in Westchester, Putnam and Fairfield counties. He is a passionate criminal defense lawyer who will guide you through the process and keep you updated with any new case developments.

In addition to defending you from charges in the courtroom, we also have the resources for alcohol and substance abuse rehabilitation. We work with health care providers, oasis providers and counselors to get our clients the necessary treatments for their recovery. We help our clients move forward with their lives and give them the tools to avoid relapses.

Before You Speak To Anyone, Call Our Office

Calling our law firm can help you prevent mistakes and save time. Our attorney has helped clients with their DUI/DWI, drug charges, violent felonies and many other criminal charges. Call us now at 203-769-1090 or fill out the contact form to schedule your consultation.